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OWN3D Blog Dictionary PepeHands Meaning
OWN3D Pro modular package setup guide

PepeHands Meaning

PepeHands is an emote used when we want to express sadness.



Posted at December 3, 2020 · 1 minutes to read

PepeHands Twitch Emote Meaning

The PepeHands emote is normally used when we want to respond with sorrow to a sad event that is happening in the stream. This emote is perfect to signal some sad event or that makes us sad.

The PepeHands emote shows us Pepe the Frog with his eyes closed and tears running down his cheeks, while he tries to dry them with his own hands. In a pose as if Pepe the Frog had just lost a loved one and was exclaiming, "Why, God, why!?"

The PepeHands emote belongs to Pepe the Frog's family of emotes, along with MonkaW, MonkaS, FeelsBadMan, widepeepoHappy, and more.

PepeHands Emote Origin

The first time we saw the PepeHands emote was in 2016, when the user OinkerBob uploaded it on the 18th of September to the FrankerFaceZ extension.

The origin of the PepeHands emote brings us, once again, to the creator and illustrator of Pepe the Frog comics, Matt Furie. In this variation of the Pepe the Frog internet phenomenon, the frog is shown sad, crying, and with his hands trying to cover his face.

It became popular on Twitch's streamer channel, Forsen.

If you want to watch and use it, you must have the BetterTTV or FrankerFaceZ extension installed in your web browser.


How is PepeHands pronounced?

This emote is pronounced as: “Pepe-hands”.


The emote and term PepeHands is used when we want to express sadness to the point of crying. It is part of the Pepe the Frog family emotes. To view and use the PepeHands emote you need to have the BetterTTV or FrankerFaceZ browser extension installed.



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