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OWN3D Blog Dictionary TriHard Meaning
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TriHard Meaning

The TriHard emote is used to boost hype in the channel or when something very exciting is going to happen.



Posted at November 27, 2020 · 3 minutes to read

TriHard Twitch Emote Meaning

Viewers use the TriHard emote when they want to hype up a situation. If the streamer is preparing something or a very epic event is going to happen, the best emote to create hype or expectation is TriHard.

The TriHard emote features the face of the TriHex stramer where he reflects his emotion for what is about to happen.

The TriHard emote is the most used Twitch emote (data from November 19, 2020), according to the most used Twitch emotes ranking from Streamelements.


In some channels, the TriHard emote is used with racist connotations and obviously we advise you not to use it for those purposes.

TriHard Emote Origin

The TriHard emote takes us back to June 2012, where the streamer TriHex was photographed during the Akon-23 anime convention, in Texas.

During the event, a photographer captured the excited face of TriHex when photographed with a Dragon Ball poster.

The TriHex community, as you can imagine, started spamming the emote through all channels to show their excitement at different events.

The term TriHard was defined in 2014, during a Yoshi's Island speedrun. In an interview with Kotaku in 2017, TriHex commented that it really was during this event that they noticed people from the staff around while they were playing Yoshi. In a second, he stopped playing the game and set up the hardest map and started smashing hard the buttons in his controller. In the background, Beauty and the Beast's song "Be Our Guest" was being played loudly. The staff ended up asking, "Hey! Why is this guy trying so hard?". And this is how the name TriHard was born.


TriHex is a professional streamer and content creator that has been around for over 8 years. He has played many games throughout his career and has participated in numerous events such as the ones mentioned above. He currently has more than 434,000 followers in Twitch (November 2020).

TriHex uploaded a video on his YouTube channel to show the exact moment when the emote was created.

YouTube Thumbnail

Later, on September 11, 2016, the original photo appeared on Reddit and received a lot of karma and comments.

How is TriHard Pronounced?

TriHard emote pronunciation is as simple as: “Tri-Hard”.

Should the Trihard Twitch Emote be banned?

Not everything is good around the Trihard emote. Many users asked Twitch to remove the emote from the platform, because there are people using it for racist purposes. There are different opinions about this and one of the strongest is that the problem of racism is not going to be solved by just removing the emote.

TriHex himself, the face behind the emote, said during one of his streams that he doesn't care what everyone does on their channels, that he supports his emote. The well-known streamer shares the opinion that removing the emote is not going to end racism, since the emote itself is not racist. TriHex claims that if Twitch bans his emote, another emote will start being used for racist purposes, as is already happening occasionally with the CmonBruh emote.


The TriHard emote is used to express emotion for an event that is about to happen or to generate hype. It is the most used emote in the Twitch platform according to Streamelements data.

Unfortunately, the emote has also been involved in controversy because some people use it for racist purposes. TriHex itself, the image of the emote, has played down this fact.



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A cheerful & funny person with lots of experience in the gaming industry. :)

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