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MonkaW Meaning

The emote monkaW is used when the streamer is in a very intense situation.



Posted at November 26, 2020 · 2 minutes to read

MonkaW Twitch Emote Meaning

The emote monkaW is widely used in Twitch when the streamer is in a very tense situation or a very intense fight.

The monkaW emote can be used when the streamer is going to face a very strong enemy or is talking about a tricky subject. We can also use monkaW in an ironic way, when we want to express a false concern about what is to come.

This emote is another version of the meme, Pepe the Frog. The emote shows Pepe the Frog, in its monkaS version but zoomed in to denote more intensity to the face.

To use and view the MonkaW emote we need to have the BetterTTV or FrankerFaceZ extension installed in our browser.

MonkaW Emote Origin

The origin of monkaW emote is linked to monkaS, since monkaW is a variation created from monkaS. Both emotes are very well-known in Pepe the Frog's family. The emote first appeared on 4chan in 2011. But it was not until 2016 when someone uploaded it to the BetterTTV extension.

The emote became popular in 2017 thanks to the Twitch community of the streamer "Forsen".

Since the MonkaW emote is another variation of the Internet phenomenon Pepe the Frog, the origin of the MonkaS emote is linked to the comic book artist, Matt Furie.

The MonkaW emote is used, above all, in the chats of the video game channels.


How is MonkaW pronounced?

You can read this term and emote as: "mon-ka-W”.


The monkaW emote is used to react to an intense situation, whether it is a streamer talking about something or in a fight against a boss in a video game. It is linked to the monkaS emote but is used to give more intensity to our reaction.



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