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SMOrc Meaning

SMOrc is a term or emote that is used to add a certain aggressive undertone to its statement.



Posted at February 21, 2022 · 1 minutes to read

What does SMOrc mean?

SMOrc shows an angry orc with a glowing eye and visually comes across as quite expressive and belligerent. That's why SMOrc is often associated with a more or less angry statement. The term is used by many people to attach a certain relevance to what is written or said. SMOrc can help in heated discussions or out of context to express one's excitement or let out one's anger.


How to use SMOrc?

Often the SMOrc emote is used in conjunction with an angry statement, sometimes more, sometimes less serious. So, if you want to show that you're not feeling good about a certain topic or situation, you can use SMOrc.


The well-known emote has its origin in Blizzard's digital card game "Hearthstone". It shows an aggressive Orc, whose original design comes from the Warhammer 40k universe. The wide open mouth and sharp teeth make for a fearsome look.

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Synonyms of "SMOrc"

  • sour
  • a form of insult
  • grumpy
  • incensed
  • annoyed


SMOrc can be used in many situations, making it a fairly versatile emote. In most cases, it is used in conjunction with an incensed statement or individually as a mild insult.



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